Blade Runner 2049
“Blade Runner 2049 (2017)”
We take a quick break from October Communism Month for this movie about the wretched death of capitalism! We also kick out our favorite communist host, as Ilya couldn’t make it to this one due to German Release Date Issues. Basil tries to keep the podcast in the blade running family by denouncing Blade Runner: Blackout 2022. Reuben also does what Basil don’t by watching You’re Next due to liking The Guest. Basil also cribs a bunch of ideas he stole from Hayley after they watched it together. That will happen a lot from now on! She’s smart as hell.
These early episodes are not available on Apple Podcasts anymore, so I’ve taken the liberty for anyone who wants to listen of making sure the links still work. You can listen right here on the website or download the MP3 below.
Original Release Date: October 16th, 2017