“Texasville (1990)”
Release Date: April 5th, 2019
We’re Back!
After a much longer than anticipated hiatus, we have returned with our new podcast, Fancy Film Fellows!
For those of you who followed us over from Loose Canons, welcome! We hope you enjoy the new show. It’s going to be a much looser format. Even though our old podcast was called Loose Canons, we actually started to feel that it wasn’t quite loose enough. The format of “pick a movie, discuss it” every week started to feel a little too hemmed in. As such, our new show will be something of a variety show. A Film Revue, if you will. Sometimes we’ll do the old way, where we focus on just one movie, but sometimes we’ll just play some trivia games, or talk about multiple movies under broader topics, or just talk about what we’ve been watching lately. We have a lot of ideas and hope you’ll enjoy every last one of them.
For those of you who have never heard Loose Canons, our old archive can be found right here on this website (under the aptly titled “Loose Canons Archive” tab), so feel free to go back and listen to some older episodes. They are very good!
Anyway, we concluded Loose Canons with a discussion of Peter Bogdanovich’s “The Last Picture Show,” so we figured the only appropriate way to launch our new show was with a discussion of that movie’s (far less famous) sequel, “Texasville.” And that’s what we did! For those who remember we were pretty harsh on old Petey Bog’s AFI classic. Do we feel the same way about its sequel? Listen in and find out!